Many of these free serif fonts are very suitable and appropriate for headlines and body type, in fact some of them are downright beautiful, though a few might be more appropriate for use only as display fonts.
I’ve heard many times that through the use of these sorts of free fonts we may diminishing the incentive for font designers to create new fonts. A good point. Personally, I prefer to use fonts purchased through sites like Adobe,, or, though I’ll occasionally use a free font for a logo or specialized project.
The serif fonts in this collection were all verified by me personally. If you’ve ever selected a “free” font from another collection, only to find that there was a charge for the font, or it was to be used for personal purposes only, you’ll understand why I went to the trouble to be sure each of these are, in fact 1) free, and 2) are easy to download.
Should you find a font here that you like, you have 2 choices: 1) you can download the font directly from this site, or 2) if you prefer to see an larger example of the font, you can:
- Visit FontSquirrel, (BTW, they didn’t pay me to post this article.)
- Search for the font by name, and
- You’ll be served an image just like this one:
Okay… That said, here’s the listing of the fonts. Just click on the font image and a true-type font will begin downloading:
If you’ve enjoyed this post, you might also like to check out these:
93 Free Sans Serif Fonts For Your Design Inspiration
20 Free and Fresh Fonts For Your Design
40 Excellent Free Fonts for Your Collection
Ultimate Collection of Free Fonts for 2012
This article is posted here for your education, creative inspiration and enjoyment by:
Will Sherwood
CEO/Chief Creative Officer
The Sherwood Group: Graphic Design & Website Design
Santa Clarita and Los Angeles, California, USA
Professional links:
Graphic Design/Web Design | Color Printing | YouTube Introduction
Social media links:
LinkedIn | Facebook Design | Facebook Printing | Twitter
Comments: Please note that we reject all posts that are clearly leaving a comment simply to acquire a back link. Only comment if you have something of value to share with our other readers.
By Tamra Hart | Crendo web & print design 28 Apr 2013
Some lovely fonts in there, thanks for taking the time to curate the list.
By JIM 29 Apr 2013
By Bill 29 Apr 2013
Pretty underwhelming list…
By anil 31 Jan 2014
what to say.. Nothing.. but… Thank U